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Saturday 6 December 2014


                                  NOCHI (BOTANICAL NAME: VITEX NIGUNDO) OR ( VITEX TRIFOLIA)

There are two kinds of Nochi. Karu nochi and vellai nochi. Both are of medicinal values.

Nochi in Tamil, White chaste tree in English , Nirgundi in Hindi.

This tree can be identified with it's beautiful purple flowers

 It is a large aromatic shrub, with small bluish purple flowers, found throughout India.
There are three types - Venn Nochi, Karu Nochi and Nir Nochi. Venn Nochi is the more
commonly seen tree. Nir Nochi is  found on the  banks  of  the Thamiraparani river in
Tamil Nadu.The Nochi tree is a nice tree to have in the garden. It is easy to propagate 
from cuttings about two cm thick. It grows wild in rural Tamil Nadu, India.

A decoction of Nochi leaves is useful in treating disorders of the neuro-skeletal and muscular
systems. If you have general body pain due to vata disorders, boil the leaves and have a
bath. It relieves body pain with continuous use. A decoction of Nochi leaves and jaggery
taken internally relieves vata disorders. 

A paste made of Nochi leaves and an inch of dried ginger when applied on the forehead
 relieves headaches. Oil made from Nochi juice relieves chronic headaches associated with 
sinusitis. The oil can be applied on the head and a bath taken an hour or so later. 
The leaves can be heated in a kadai and used in fomentation to relieve muscular pain.

It is used in swelling of the joints from acute rheumatism over sprained limbs. Oil may 
be used as bathing oil, for rubbing on the heads in glandular swellings of the neck, and for
wounds and ulcers.

Shoo away mosquitoes with Nochi plants

Our ancient texts have recorded nochi's medicinal properties. Why do we rush for antibiotics
 when we have remedies with no side-effects?. We have to re-acquaint ourselves with our 
medical traditions, revive the Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Tradition.
Traditionally, villagers have used the heated leaf-kizhi for fomentation (oththadam) for
swellings, arthritis and body-pain caused by vaatham Some 20-30 grams of leaf-juice
mixed with the same quantity of cow's urine is prescription for spleenomegaly. Leaf-paste
is externally applied over the inflamed spleen area. Leaf decoction is a diuretic and a de-
wormer. A nochi-leaf pillow is considered effective against headache and sinusitis. Don't
throw away the fruit. Dry it, powder it and use it for de-worming and as a cure for
headaches. The decoction of the root is taken for vatha diseases, burning sensation of 
urethra, abdominal pain and intestinal worms.
Traditionally for making this steam, we heat 3 smooth stones called vengachangkal or brick
stone in the open fire till they are really hot. These stones retain the heat very well. We
boil water in a huge vessel along with the nochi leaves, when it comes to full boil, it is 
switched off. The person is made to bend over the vessel and is usually covered over with a
blanket to prevent the heat from going out and is made to inhale the steam. When the
water loses it's heat, one of the hot stone is dropped inside using a tong and the water
comes to the boiling temperature again. Like this way, the person is made to steam and as
far as I know, this is the best home remedy for sinus. You get immediate relief and the 
pain in the cheeks due to sinus and the headache also reduces immediately. Since many of 
you won't be go through this elaborate process, you can use the steamer.
Insect repellent

The trees are considered insect/pest repellent, the twigs anti-bacterial. Farmers believe
nochi plants protect their crops and create a bio-fence with it. Leaves are added to stored
rice to keep weevils away.” Farmers also string the leaves into a thoranam and brush crops 
with it to keep out pests, To make it an effective weapon to kill mosquitoes, you need to 
smoke the leaves. Leaves can be repellents.

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